ULC - Types of Fire Alarms

ULC – Types of Fire Alarms

We Support Every Fire Panel in the Market

Before you decide to replace an antiquated fire alarm, you should know about the different types of fire alarm systems on the market. The various components that make up these systems are either automatic or manual. The following information will help you decide what type of fire alarm system will work best in your facility.

Choose a Type

Type 1 – Conventional Fire Alarm

Conventional fire alarm systems and its components are all wired to the same cable that connects them to a fire alarm control panel. The control panel displays a signal when these components activate.

These types of systems are inexpensive and work well in small facilities.

The main problem with conventional fire alarm systems is that when a fire alarm component produces a signal and it appears on the control panel there is no way to know which component it is in the building.
If you foresee this to be a problem you may want to consider an addressable fire alarm system.

Type 2 – Addressable Fire Alarm

Addressable fire alarm systems are the most modern type of system and its components have individual unique identifiers. When one of the system’s components initiates, it indicates the component’s address on the fire alarm panel.

Large facilities utilize these systems because they can quickly pinpoint where the trouble signal originated. This saves a lot of time because it eliminates the need to search for the component that produced the signal.

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Next Steps

After you decide what type of system would work best in your facility, speak with a fire alarm installation company, like us. We will:

  • Evaluate your building based on local building code requirements and Authority Having Jurisdiction
  • Determine which fire alarm components are necessary
  • Determine how many components and where they need to be placed

The fire & life safety firm will ensure that the new fire alarm system meets all the local requirements and ULC standards.


Commercial Fire Alarm Brands

  • Siemens
  • SimplexGrinnell
  • Honeywell Notifier
  • Edwards EST
  • Honeywell Gamewell/FCI
  • Johnson Controls
  • Mircom
  • Fike/Cheetah

Types of detectors

  • Heat Detectors
  • Smoke Detectors
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors
  • Multi-Sensor Detectors
  • Manual Call points
  • Conventional
  • Addressable
  • Intelligent

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